Friday, April 27, 2012

    A lot of people have told me not to go the self-publishing route.
    I remember a decade or so ago being told that we didn't write stories about people who self-published, mainly because the books were bad. If a book was good, it was necessary to go the traditional route of getting an agent and going through a "real" publisher. However, most of the articles I read today suggest the opposite is true. I have even read of authors such as Jackie Collins, who has had multiple book deals through "real" publishers, has decided to publish one of her novels.
   In a "real" book publishing deal, the author is paid, and the publisher does the rest. But it's the same as freelancing. I sell the article, and that's the end of it. With this, I would get paid by the number of books that sold. The more I can sell the more I can make. Reminds me of my Girl Scout cookie selling days, I loved to see the numbers go up. And the numbers would totally impact me.
    I think I like the idea of having the control of my book from start to finish. I've had to work at marketing myself all my life so what would be the difference now? Facebook, twitter, webpages. I know how to write a press release; I have contacts with local librarians to set up book signings etc. I already have someone interested in having a book-signing party for me at a local business. I can do this.
   Calling Bill Babb today.

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