Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Anxiety and impatience

  So my team of graphic designers is furiously at work finishing the cover and interior of my book, then it will be uploaded and distributed. And then, the real work begins - pushing this book and selling it.
  In addition to never wanting to write a book, I never wanted to be a salesperson. I remember selling Girl Scout cookies as a child and teen-ager. I hated hawking those things even though they were a great product that sold themselves. I had huge insecurity issues and was extremely shy. Talking to people I did not know was terribly difficult. How I lasted in journalism as long as I have is beyond me. To this day, I have to work myself up to the place where I can just go up to a total stranger and begin a conversation. On many occasions in writing for newspapers, I've covered events and had to do that very thing.
 In a way, it won't be as difficult as say selling used cars. After all, it is a product I fully believe in. That is a two-edged sword though. I believe in the book because it's part of me, which leads to the other part of the blade. The rejection factor. I've lived through my share of rejection. It's part of life. I've never been part of the mainstream; I've always been different. I've always been the strange one, the outsider. I think that comes with the territory of being an artistic type. I had a few people on facebook tell me they've written a book, but they could never let anyone read it. They were afraid of what people might think. They were afraid of the criticism or that people would judge them. How sad in a way, but I totally understand the sentiment. I'm about to put myself out there for all to see. When writing a newspaper article, I do that.
  Well, soon enough my work will be out there for all to see.  I feel good so far because four people have read it, and all four had good things to say. I think all of the kinks have been worked out. It won't be a book everyone will like. I mean I don't like books about horror, but there are some wealthy writers of horror out there. In spite of that, there will be people who like this and will recommend it to others.

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